We are revisiting our fascination with the underwater world which served as our inspiration 20 years ago. In the meantime, technology changed so much it made us want to tackle this interesting subject once more through digital photography. With the help of professional photographer Borut Furlan we travelled through this quiet and colourful animal world. We searched for motives and textures from our early collections in his photohraphs. Taming wild underwater colours, going through time and around the world in the search for an inspiration for a silhuette brought us in the times before World War II, in the world of Japanese Geisha. The aim of our collection is to transform the Geisha, the sophisticated artistic creature of many skills and centuries old traditions, and bring her into the modern woman's world.

TIHI SVET (2015)

Draž se je po inspiracijo pod gladino prvič spustil pred dvema desetletjema. Poleg fascinacije s skrivnostnim svetom vode, elementa, kjer stvari valujejo drugače kot v našem svetu, je razlog za vrnitev tudi bliskovit razvoj tehnologije, ki poraja radovedno vprašanje, kako se bo ta v pletenino prelil v novih okoliščinah. Motivi in teme tekstur iz zgodnjih kolekcij so se ponovno rodile s pomočjo digitalne fotografije in novih tehnik pletenja. Osnova so bile podvodne fotografije odličnega fotografa Boruta Furlana. Ples divjih barv in potovanje v preteklost je silhueto popeljalo v čas pred drugo svetovno vojno, v svet japonske gejše, prefinjene ženske s številnimi spretnostmi, poznavalke umetnosti in večstoletne tradicije. Tihi svet je njena transformacija, združitev starodavne skrivnostne elegance s svetom sodobne ženske


Naivitet 2016


Trees 2015